What I teach
My name is Lauren Keifer. I teach Introduction to Digital Design and Ceramics at the Spring-Ford 9th Grade Center in Royersford PA. Besides teaching art, I have a passion for technology in the classroom. Please check out my blog where I write about how I use technology in my art rooms. I also have a section for educational resources explaining many of the popular tech tools that teachers use in their classrooms or for distance education. Take the time to try out some of the examples that are posted, click on the links to online resources or videos to see how technology can be easily incorporated into your own classroom. My hope is that this will be a resource for other educators.

Introduction to Digital Art
A mix between Photography and Graphic Design, students will get a taste of Digital Photography using DSLR cameras. Students will learn how to take better photographs by applying the principles of design. We cover Aperture priority, Shutter Priority and learn how light and time effect the photographic image. The images taken in class are used for various Graphic Design projects. Students will learn Adobe Photoshop basic tools including using layers, selection tools, blending modes and many more.
A mix between Photography and Graphic Design, students will get a taste of Digital Photography using DSLR cameras. Students will learn how to take better photographs by applying the principles of design. We cover Aperture priority, Shutter Priority and learn how light and time effect the photographic image. The images taken in class are used for various Graphic Design projects. Students will learn Adobe Photoshop basic tools including using layers, selection tools, blending modes and many more.

Introduction to Ceramics
Handbuilding is our focus in this class. Students will get a taste of creating original ceramic pieces by learning carving techniques, coil construction, slab built construction, and sculpture in the round. We also cover various decorative techniques using low fire ceramic glazes, and underglazes. Students will also learn various painting techniques. Students love this class for it's laid back atmosphere and the chance to do something totally different with the added bonus of working 3-dimensionally, an important skill to have in our "STEM" centered world.
Handbuilding is our focus in this class. Students will get a taste of creating original ceramic pieces by learning carving techniques, coil construction, slab built construction, and sculpture in the round. We also cover various decorative techniques using low fire ceramic glazes, and underglazes. Students will also learn various painting techniques. Students love this class for it's laid back atmosphere and the chance to do something totally different with the added bonus of working 3-dimensionally, an important skill to have in our "STEM" centered world.